I don't drink coffee to wake up
I wake up to drink coffee.
Make every coffee perfect
Golden Ratio Coffee
“Golden Ratio Coffee” is the ideal ratio of coffee ground to water
(measured in weight) that produces the perfect balanced coffee.
- Pour Over 1:15 – 1:18 (ideal is 1:16.67)
- French Press 1:15
- Cold Brew 1:8
- Siphon 1:15
- Espresso 1:2
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about coffee
Arabica, Robusta, Peaberry, Roast Profile, Coffee Grind, Extraction,
Golden Ratio Coffee, Single Origin-Coffee. What do all these coffee terms mean?
Hand-picked by smallholder farmers in the Kintamani region of Bali, Indonesia, this organic Arabica specialty coffee is known for its unique flavor profile, which includes notes of molasses and dark chocolate. An outstanding high-quality coffee due to its distinctive taste, smooth finish, and vibrant aroma.